Most recently, Murphy co-directed and produced Kingdom Come, a documentary film that chronicles aspiring filmmaker Daniel Gillies’ quest to make his first feature. The doc features such independent film and Hollywood icons as Mark Ruffalo, Don Cheadle, Edward Burns, Selma Blair, Seth Green, Nicole Holofcener, Robert Townsend, and Bruce Campbell. Kingdom Come is currently running on Showtime and can be found on iTunes, Vudu, and all the usual digital platforms.
Previously, Murphy produced and directed Moonshine To The Finish Line, a documentary telling the story of how Southern whiskey bootleggers turned backwoods racing into the billion dollar industry we now know as NASCAR. The film premiered at The Palm Beach International Film Festival and features such legends of the sport as Junior Johnson and Bobby Allison.
Murphy was also a producer on critically acclaimed documentaries Rock The Bells and The Life Of Reilly, as well as serving as lead producer on narrative drama Broken Kingdom, starring Daniel Gillies, Rachael Leigh Cook, and Academy Award nominee Seymour Cassel.