“Life of Reilly” The Year’s Best Reviewed Film
As we reach the end of 2007, September Club luminaries Barry Poltermann and Frank Anderson’s “The Life of Reilly” retains a perfect “100% Fresh” rating from critics at Rotten Tomatoes and is currently listed as the best reviewed film of 2007. Here is the trailer from the SXSW premiere:
In case that isn’t cool enough, the film has appeared on several critics’ and reader top ten lists of the ‘Best Films of 2007′ including: The Village Voice/LA Weekly Film Poll of Best Films of 2007, which featured “The Life of Reilly” in its top ten “Best Documentary” list;
- No End in Sight
- Into Great Silence and Lake of Fire (tie)
- Terror Advocate
- Manda Bala
- The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters; Manufactured Landscapes; My Kid Could Paint That; and West of the Tracks
- I For India; Our Daily Bread; Sicko; The Cats of Mirikatani; The Life of Reilly; A Pervert’s Guide to Cinema
Nerve.com’s 2007 Reader’s Poll, which listed “The Life of Reilly” as the 3rd Funniest Film of 2007;
- Hot Fuzz
- The Great World of Sound
- The Life of Reilly
- Son of Rambow
- The Puffy Chair
- Grindhouse
- The Savages
- Superbad
- The Science of Sleep
- The Host
… and Ed Gonzalez of Slant Magazine, who picked “The Life of Reilly” as the year’s 10th best film overall:
- Killer of Sheep
- Offside
- Into Great Silence
- Golden Door
- Rescue Dawn
- No Country For Old Men
- Exiled
- Syndromes of a Century
- Forever
- The Life of Reilly
Congrats to Frank and Barry!