A Marriage Proposal, September Club Style


Last weekend Manny Marquez proposed to his long time girlfriend Leigh Wilson by making a short documentary called HWY 9: A Story About Love.

He then convinced his local theater in Hood River, OR to show it right before a screening on The A-Team.

This is the story behind it, as told by Manny to Barry Poltermann in an i-Chat last evening.

HWY 9: A Story About Love can also be watched below…


AIM IM with Manny Marquez <gastlycrumb>6/17/10 11:22 PM

Manny Marquez:

barry, you there

Barry Poltermann:

yeah man

glad you liked my blog post!

Manny Marquez:

Loved it man

Love Trek

Star Trek that is

Barry Poltermann:

me 2

Manny Marquez:

did you see that engagement film I made?

Barry Poltermann:

that was so fucking awesome man

i loved it

i saw it on sunday

Manny Marquez:

well, I thank you for that man

Barry Poltermann:

i nearly cried


Manny Marquez:

I took your advice

Barry Poltermann:

i teared up

Manny Marquez:

a couple a days later Leigh was like “you are so fucking about face”

I was cracking up

Barry Poltermann:


Manny Marquez:

She loved it

Barry Poltermann:

i bet

Manny Marquez:

played to an audience in the theater man, she had ZERO idea it was coming

Barry Poltermann:

i loved that you told the story about wanting to make a western with robert duvall

Manny Marquez:

well, if you can’t shoot it, get someone saying it!

Barry Poltermann:

Good call

Manny Marquez:

funniest part is when it was about to start

the blu ray player fired up

and it said “tray open”

Leigh said “Oh man, they are playing the movie on Blu ray? How Lame!”

and I was like “yeah, that is so lame. I was expecting a print”

then it said “play”

and the film started

and from the first frame she looked at me and said “what is this!!!”

Barry Poltermann:

when did she figure out is was you?

Manny Marquez:

and I said “Oh, I forgot to tell you. i made you something.”

from the first shot she knew

she know my work

she knew immediatly

she knows how I frame

the things I choose to shoot

she knows me man

Barry Poltermann:

Yeah, it had Manny written all over it from the first frame

I was only surprised your dog didn’t show up.

Manny Marquez:

well, I was going to take him

but I had no idea where I was going

so at the last minute left him home

Barry Poltermann:

Poor Bandit…

Manny Marquez:

the thought of making him wait in the car while i ended up in a helicopter, a cave or some kind of bullet train made me sad

Barry Poltermann:

Good call.

what was the audience reactioin?

did they stop the movie?

Manny Marquez:

I was just going to go with it man

and that band played that dylan song, the actual song that is her ringtone and one of her favorites..without me asking them to play it

it was amazing

And I sing that Townes Van Zandt song

Barry Poltermann:

i liked that

Manny Marquez:

Dan Didier was telling me how much he loved that song

and i had it stuck in my head for weeks

so thanks to Dan, thats the song i used

Barry Poltermann:

did you get down on your knees?

did she say “yes” right there?

Manny Marquez:

I did, at the part that it says “the Proposal”

everyone in the theater turned around and was looking for us

Barry Poltermann:


she must have been floored

Manny Marquez:

leigh was crying and she said yes

Barry Poltermann:


i can’t imagine

Manny Marquez:

i put the ring on her and everyone was clapping and crying

magic man.

one guy said “I can leave now. after that, A-team will suck

Barry Poltermann:

so cool.

Manny Marquez:

the theater owner had told people in the other screen next door to come over

Barry Poltermann:

love it… i love that it was a-team!

Manny Marquez:

so the theater was packed

Barry Poltermann:

oh wow

Manny Marquez:

and all the employees came in too

it was magic man

i can’t believe i did it

and my crazy trip

i had zero plan

just got on the road and stopped and shot people

it really worked

that bar is a bar i lived behind for 4 months when i was a camera assisitent

I really do thank you man

you make me a better filmmaker

i know I say that all the time

Barry Poltermann:

dude, that was a nice movie

Manny Marquez:

but I mean


Barry Poltermann:

it was really pretty

and told a great little story

very warm.

very aboutface! Leigh is right!

Manny Marquez:

people really liked it

that felt good as a filmmaker

like no one questioned why A Team was not on

i found that odd

when it was all down I stood up and said “I know this isn’t what you all came to see, so I’d like to thank you for sitting through our film!”

Barry Poltermann:


well, it had them interested/curious… unexpected.


Manny Marquez:


well, I just wanted to make sure you saw the film

since you were the inspiration for it!

Barry Poltermann:

thanks man… i don’t know about inspiration.

it wasn’t a very hard idea to come up with…. “hmmm… maybe manny should make a documentary!”

Manny Marquez:


Barry Poltermann:

mind if i blog about it?

the proposal, aboutface style?

Manny Marquez:

do it man

Barry Poltermann:

gonna go to sleep now


Manny Marquez:


thanks for chatting

talk to you soon

Barry Poltermann:

always a pleasure


Manny Marquez:
